Pringles Original 130g

Pringles Original 130g

Pringles Original 130g 一 a classic flavor for lovers of traditional crisps

Nowadays, you can buy many crisps in different flavors in the shops. But nothing can replace Pringles Original 130g crisps. This is exactly how the manufacturers intended them to be and they were the first step to creating other types of products. Despite the wide range of Pringles Original remains one of the most popular variants of crisps. And the reasons for this popularity are quite understandable.

Main features of Pringles Original 130g crisps

The reason for the popularity is the flavor of these crisps. If you taste them, you can understand what flavor pringles originally had. It is:

  • potato;
  • onion;
  • peppers;
  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Together pringles original composition creates a unique flavor composition. That is why they are so popular. 

Another reason for regular sales is their packaging. Unlike analogs, Pringles chips are sold in a convenient tube. From it, you can easily get each slice. At the same time, it will not crumble and the buyer will not shake off the crumbs. 

Where to buy Pringles Original 130g in bulk

The most profitable way to purchase a batch of pringles original is to order in bulk. For this, you can use the services of our online shop. For your customers to be able to appreciate pringles original flavor, it is enough to place an order on the site. You can do this by calling the hotline, writing an email, or filling out an application form on the site. 

After receiving a request for Pringles Original crisps, our managers contact customers. Since this position is in demand, it is necessary to clarify its cost and availability in advance. The manager will help to correctly place the order and inform you of the approximate delivery time. After payment, it remains only to wait for the goods to arrive in your shop. We always welcome new customers and mutually beneficial cooperation. 

To order this product, please contact us by e-mail or via the contact form above.