Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g

Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g

Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g 一 a worthy new flavor for crisp lovers

Pringles regularly experiments and creates new flavors. That's why their range is the widest in the European market. Some combinations are impossible to buy from their competitors. Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g crisps are one such option.

Finding Pringles with vinegar is difficult. Since this combination is not known by everyone, shops are wary of buying it into their range. However, for many retailers, this is a great opportunity to reach the right target audience who will only buy the chips from their shop. 

Features of Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g crisps

The main feature of Pringles Salt & Vinegar crisps is their unusual combination. When tasting them, you can taste the flavor of:

  • potato;
  • salt;
  • vinegar.

Judging by the composition of pringles salt and vinegar the average buyer may be distrustful of such combinations. But you should not be so afraid of them. Here perfectly thought-out proportions and unusual sourness will please even those who are not very fond of sour tones in food. Therefore, shops should already buy this product in bulk to fill their assortment. 

How to buy Pringles Salt & Vinegar 165g crisps in bulk

The best move for retailers is to buy pringles vinegar and salt-flavored crisps in bulk. This will help to reduce the shipping cost per tube and fill up your assortment quickly. Also, such an unusual flavor can be sold alongside the classic options. When customers sell out Pringles salt and vinegar, it will be possible to increase the price on them and earn more. 

To place an order, you need to contact our managers. This can be done through:

  • filling out an application on the website;
  • sending a request to email;
  • calling the hotline.

After receiving the request, the manager will advise on current availability and current prices. Accompanied by our employee, the request will be processed as quickly as possible, and in a few days, it will be possible to sell salt and vinegar flavored crisps. 

To order this product, please contact us by e-mail or via the contact form above.